The official currency is the Tanzanian Shilling (TZS), divided into 100 cents. Notes are in denominations of TSh10,000, 5000, 2,000, 1,000 and 500. Coins are in denominations of TSh200, 100, 50, 20 and 10 but these are worth very little and are rarely used. In Kiswahili, it is shilingi and written prices are often denoted with the symbol /=. Due to the booming of the tourism industry, tourism products and services are priced in US Dollars and this has also been accepted as a unit of currency. Money can be exchanged in larger towns; foreign exchange bureaus usually offer a better rate of exchange than banks. ATMs are available in major towns and cities. Major lodges, some hotels and travel agents in urban areas accept credit cards, but these should not be relied on and can incur a surcharge of about 2-5%.
Banks are open from Monday-Friday, 0830-1530; Saturday 0830-1300. Foreign exchange Bureaus have longer hours and in the cities like in Stone Town on Zanzibar are open on Sundays.
Currency is controlled by the central bank and all commercial banks are submissive to central bank guidelines and code of conduct.
Duty Free
Travelers to Tanzania do not have to pay duty on 250g tobacco or 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, 500ml of alcoholic beverages, and 473ml perfume. Restrictions apply to firearms, plants, plant products and fruits.
Banned imports include un licensed fire arms and ammunitions while Plants and plant products require a phytosanitary certificate. Whereas banned exports include gold, diamonds and tanzanite unless bought from a licensed jeweler while exporting souvenirs made from wildlife skins (this includes reptiles), shells and coral is forbidden.