Being the second largest continent, Africa is big and full of interesting mystery and diversity with 10% of the world’s population. Africa comprises of 54 countries all different natural features from each other and Over 1,000 different languages have been identified and countless tribes recognized making Africa complex but very simple, comfortable and unique to tourists. Travelers to Africa require a guide to important tips to enable them travel to and within Africa in a peaceful, un expensive and affordable way as explained below:
Safety and good health on Safari
Often some times, many first time travelers how safe and responsible is it to travel to Africa in Safari. Politically, most of Africa is quite safe but it also depends on which destination you are planning to visit. A traveller has a high responsibility to watch out for him self while on safari, avoid carry around large sums of money that are tempting to robbers, should keep an eye on their property, the carryon bags, avoiding walking at night and keep tempting items such as phones and laptops to ensure safety. Therefore, tourists have a part to play on their safety however much your travel company will try to make you feel safe
Concerning the health of tourists; Travelers are advised to go check with their doctors before travelling to make sure all is safe. Don’t forget to pack your medication.
Passports and visas
Travelers to Africa should have valid travel documents such as passports, visas, and medical letters with the right paper work in place before flying to Africa. All passports need to have a number of blank pages available whereas visa specifications differ depending on nationality and destination. Travelers are also reminded that in all African countries, visa regulations can sometimes change without much warning, they should therefore not be disappointed if this happens.
Travel insurance
Though not compulsory, travelers to African countries are recommended to have insured against cancellations, accidents, death and other incidences that can happen to a traveler without warning. Health insurance is also encouraged by the traveler to ensure good health in case of infections. This travel insurance helps to cover up all expenses required in case of any mysterious incidence that can disrupt the travel plans of a tourist in not insured against, travelers are therefore reminded to insure against these incidences.
Transport to and within Africa,
There are several means of transport in Africa which differ depending on the speed, safety and charges, Most African countries are also served by international airlines and the gate way airports including Johannesburg, Cape Town, Nairobi and dare s salaam among others. On arrival, tourists are always picked by tour company representatives that made the travel arrangement for the tourist and then transported to the hotel for accommodation. Therefore travelers should know that traveling to and within Africa is simple and affordable.
Traveling in Africa is also made possible with public transport services across all African country’s cities and towns, these public mans include buses, taxis, matatus among others which are relatively cheap and connect to all destinations even the remote areas
There are also car hire companies for private transport which hire car to tourists and they are also self drive that a tourist is allowed to take the car and drive him/her self to wherever they are going and then bring the car back after the agreed period of time. For the more independent-minded visitor, South Africa and Namibia are great self-drive destinations and suitable vehicles can be hired and dropped off at their major airports.
Money and how to spend it
Travelers to Africa should carry small cash money for easy transactions but still, all African countries are served with automatic teller machines (ATMS) and foreign exchange bureaus, travelers are ensured of easy exchange of their currencies into different African country’s currencies, these services are found across all cities and towns in Africa, cash pretty services are also very where. However, tourists are reminded that most African countries prefer us$, Euros as well as sterling in some countries, travelers to south Africa need to have rand (ZAR) for easy foreign exchange. As for cards, Visa and MasterCard are widely accepted across the continent but be aware of incurring high transaction fees in certain countries. For peace of mind, tourists are encouraged to purchase a world currency card or cash passport card before they leave.
In all African countries, tipping and gratuities is not compulsory though recommended, it is the choice of a tourist to tip a service provider such as a guide or waiter in a hotel but not a must, however it would be good if tourist tipped all people who serve them to encourage morale and motivation but otherwise it is a choice one makes.
Dressing code
It is true that Africa is known for good and steady climate, however in the early mornings and late evenings it can be very cold and tourists are then reminded to carry warm jackets and dresses. More still, African people are still traditional and tourists are encouraged to dress in a descent way so as to fit in the African cultures, they should avoid walking into cities with panties only but may be during activities such as hiking, travelers should not dress in a way that disrupts the local people in African countries.
Packing by the tourists depends on where the tourist is going, the activities that he/she wants to participate in and the time of the year a person is traveling. Especially for gorilla safaris in Africa, you need to plan your packing list ahead of time so that your ready for hiking in impenetrable forests in East Africa. Travelers are encouraged to pack few things such as walking shoes and jackets, simple snacks and drinking water to sustain them in case of need; however they should not pack many things that they will end up not using.
Credit and debit cards
Travelers may use credit cards as a method of payments in many establishments such as hotels and lodges as it is more efficient and convenient however, travelers must know that these credit cards attract a surcharge fee of about 5% and should be ready to pay it
Conclusively, therefore, traveling to all African countries in a real experience if travelers put in consideration the given tips and follow them carefully. Travelers to African countries should be aware of the differences they are likely to encounter and should therefore make thorough arrangements and preparations before traveling to ensure order and good service delivery